July 16, 2020

3 Steps to Amplify Authenticity Before Your Brand is Launched or Left Behind

A successful brand is rooted in authenticity.  The question is what needs to happen in order to grow strong lasting roots? Roots that withstand any storm.

Getting clear on your brand is no easy task. In fact, many early entrepreneurs just skip it because it takes “deep” work.  It truly requires a deep, meaningful understanding of what you (individual or organization) AND your audience (fans, customers, & clients)  define as important.

Once you’re clear here it makes a lot of the other parts of business much easier.

Developing an Authentic Brand

So what do you need to begin developing an authentic brand?

A brand with soul, instead of a copycat.  

A brand built on truth, not trends.  

A brand that’s different, rather than a look-alike.

Let’s dive in…

Archetype Assessment

Strong brand needs to be clear.  How do you do that?  One great way is by taking an assessment.  But, not just any assessment.  One that helps to identify your archetype/s. What is an archetype you might say? An archetype is what many call the DNA of your business because DNA has an influence on everything.  

Your archetype is the authentic expression of you and the soul of your business.  It’s what makes your brand unique; it creates clarity, consistency, authenticity and strength into your business. It is the essential brand building “tool”.  

So how does this translate to business?

For a brand to be successful we want people to perceive us the “right way”.  Archetypes help to manage how people (your audience, community, customers, partners, etc.) perceive you.  Instead of trying to be something you’re not, archetypes help you strategically decide a truly genuine story, purpose, message, and more that not only positions you differently from your competition, but aligns and connects you more deeply with the right consumers.  Pretty sweet, huh?

Here’s a summary of the above in action steps (not necessarily a linear process):

  • Choose an assessment. (You can go through a custom assessment with us or others we'd recommend are Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator or Branding In Archetypes.)
  • Choose your dominant primary archetype. Very important!  Think of this like the main course of a meal you’re serving up for guests.  When others taste it, what do you want them to experience?
  • Prioritize your archetypes strategically. Think of your secondary and tertiary archetypes as the sides of your meal.  You don’t want a thrown together meal, but rather a well thought out one. These make the meal, as a whole, more unique (and appetizing!).
  • Begin considerations for next steps (see below)

Articulating Ambitions & Attributes

Once you receive your results and define your unique archetype mix, you have the beginnings of a brand personality.  Humans interact with brands like human’s.  Humans are complex. Personalities are complex.  Brands should not be. Brands should be clear and concise. Yet…

Brand is what makes business more human..  Branding gives meaning to the people, products and business. We cannot allow the complexity of human personalities to bleed into our brand.  We must distill it into a uniquely aligned, single focused idea built from our archetypes. This is where it becomes difficult for most people...translating the true depth of humanity into one streamlined conviction, characteristic, or concept.    

Here’s a summary of the above in action steps (not necessarily a linear process):

Build Your Brand Personality (distill your archetype ambitions and attributes into a uniquely aligned, single focused idea)

Nail Down Your Voice & Identity (define language, tone, colors, mood, & style)

Apply to Your Business Culture (aligning the what, how, & why with leadership, operations and customer service)

Associated Adventure

Your brand stands for something. It’s here for a reason.  Archetypal branding allows you to bridge the gap between you and your audience.  Whether consciously or unconsciously people relate to your brand.  It intuitively means something. It represents something simple, but meaningful to them.  

This connection all stems from the journey you’ve been on. The feelings you’ve experienced, the changes you’ve made and the ambitions you live continue to be expressed within the adventure you’re enjoying right now; a story still being written.  Your authentic story is what makes it easy for people to connect with you; to choose you, naturally and instinctively.

Here’s a summary of the above in action steps (not necessarily a linear process):

  • Understand Your Story (from what triggered you to start this journey, to the adventure along the way, all the way to the final desired outcome)
  • Articulate Your Brand Story (this represents the “pitch” or proposition you offer your people)
  • Cultivate A Story Portfolio (a collection of mini adventures you’ve experienced along the way)
  • Create Multiple Versions (make short, medium and long versions for the ways you engage with the public)


In most cases, brands are killed (or at least butchered) before they even launch.  Why?  Most entrepreneurs won’t don’t understand the brand development process and others who do just haven’t taken the time needed in order to simplify & articulate their brand clearly. As a result, their brand comes out confusing, copycat-ish, or cookie cutter.  All of which create an inauthentic look, message, and feel.  

It’s extremely important to understand that brand is a part of you and the brand authenticity that comes from the work above is a part of what makes you stand out in the marketplace.  

Still Curious…

Do you have a burning question about brand archetypes? Want to dig deep and explore the hidden potential of your brand's personality? Schedule a brand awakening clarity consultation to find out your exact next steps for building your brand.

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